Thursday, May 15, 2014

I've to say

Angin kerinduan membawa gue terbang singgah di sini
Perlahan tapi pasti untaian kata bakal ketulis di sini
Ya, gue rindu. gue kangen.
Banyak hal yang gue tinggal di Bogor dan sekarang gue rindu untuknya terulang
Rindu orang tua? tak usah tanyakan hal itu. tanpa ditanya pun akan terjawab "iya" dalam benak.
So, what I'm missing for?

15 Mei 2014 - di grup line.
Entah udah berapa puluh kali tulisan "rindu, kangen dsb" gue tulis di situ sejak 9 bulan lalu gue hijrah ke Nangor buat menjemput impian gue. dan entah juga bakal berapa juta kali tulisan itu ter-post di sana. And tonight I've to say that I miss them so much. I miss having fun with them, talk about everything.


They teach me about differences, about life, about everything.
Gue terlalu rindu untuk ngobrolin hal penting sampe ke hal yang random sama mereka.

"No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever" - Francois Mauriac



Thursday, May 1, 2014

To the fullest

They're my inspiration
They're my strenght
Me without you is nothing
Thanks for teaching me everything
Thanks for teaching me about being a great woman.

Dad, thanks for protecting me
Thanks for being my best superhero

Mom, thanks for supporting me
Thanks for being my most beautiful angel

You're the superhero and angel that God sent to me

Now, I'm gettin' mature but I still need your advice your protect your best education and all the things that I've never get before. yea, I still need it.

Love you to the fullest pisan lah Bu, Pak :)